2025 Dr. Fred A. Garrett Resident Education Program

The AAO Foundation recognizes the importance of residents having the opportunity to experience an AAO Annual Session, and we support them through this program by offering a one-time $400 incentive to offset expenses to attend the conference.

To qualify for the Dr. Fred A. Garrett Resident Education Program incentive of $400, residents must register for and attend AAO Annual Session IN PERSON, and meet the following qualifications:

1. Be a member of AAO
2. Have a graduation date AFTER October 1, 2024
3. Orthodontic Residency Program must be located the U.S. or Canada
4. Visit the AAOF Booth during Exhibit Hall hours and complete the Resident Survey.
5. Have not received this incentive in previous years.

*Please note, we do NOT require an application prior to AAO Annual Session. Checks will be mailed directly to residents this summer, AFTER Annual Session concludes.

If you'd like to support this program so that it continues in the future, click the Donate Now button above.


AAOF Board of Directors - Resident Director Opportunity

Become a voting member of the AAOF Board of Directors for the 2025-26 term. Graduation date must be later than May 2026 to apply.

  • Attend AAO Annual Session and spend time meeting other residents in our booth to fill them in on all of the great things going on at AAOF.
  • Attend GORP and present to your peers at the conference.
  • Attend two in-person AAOF board meetings in St. Louis in February of 2025 (as orientation) and 2026 (as a voting board member).




The Vanguard Society is open to current orthodontic residents only.

Your pledge to the AAO Foundation as a resident inducts you into the Vanguard Society. This lifetime distinction can only be realized by supporters who made their initial pledge of $5,000 as a resident and communicate the special commitment that you have for insuring the future of our specialty. Your Vanguard pledge payment can begin during residency with a graduated payment plan starting as little as $5.00 per month or you can participate as a volunteer in our Gifted Smiles program and be matched with a child who lacks access to care, in your own community.


 Other Resident Programs

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